Our Work

We are gathering information about climate change.
Pick your favorite topic and let us know what you think.
Give us your knowledge, questions and opinion so we can improve this free informational website.


Global warming
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse gasses
Infra-red radiation
Carbon dioxide


Ozone layer
Dobson units
Ozone Depleting Subs
ultra-violet radiation


Ice, Water warming
Coral, Plankton
Ocean and Wind 
Wild life


Air, soil, ocean 
plastic, waste, 
society, slavery, health
water, food, energy

Get to Know Us

Get to know our citizen-science project

Think Tank Climate is an online citizen science project. The goal is to build a free informational website about the full global impact of climate change. Everyone is welcome to join our online think tank. Our project is divided into three smaller projects following different steps to complete its goals.

1) Topics

Climate change research topics:  temperature, stratosphere, climate tipping points and population of 8 billion 

  • research / feedback and improvement / verify by scientist

Investigating the trends found inside the topics. Investigation questions: How is our world today, what is wrong, how come, and what is expected for tomorrow? 

  • investigation / feedback and improvement / verify by scientist

Makes the results of the previous project into a simple overview by creating a foresight tool called "climate map"

  • innovation/feedback and improvement / verify by scientist


Citizen-science research project about Temperature, Stratosphere, Climate tipping points and the population of 8 billion people.


Citizen-science project that investigates global climate change by answering the questions where we are today, why and what this means for tomorrow.


Creating a new monitoring tool called Climate Map, developed by a citizen-science project, simplifies and focuses on the core aspects of climate change.

TOGETHER we can do it

Do You Care About the Earth Like Us?

Join our project by participating in the way you want:


problem solving starts with

problem identification *


About Think Tank Climate (TTC)

To solve a problem we need to understand it first.
Global climate change is a very large problem, so we need everyone to help together to frame it.

What is Think Tank Climate

Think Tank Climate is an informational website (in the making) build to give free information to the public. Think Tank Climate is also a global citizen-science project. If we want to create solutions we have to understand all the problems in dept, get creative and work together.

Currently there is no website that provides a global insight into climate challenges in a way that the public can easily follow. The information is scattered over the internet and it's difficult to put the pieces together.

By connecting citizens, scientists and policymakers this project creates room to formulate questions and evidence-based answers together. Scientists and public will get a website where they can quickly search a database of connections on a wide range of topics.

  • Improve communication, inclusion, and cooperation
  • Between the public, scientists, and policymakers
  • Opportunities for innovation related to the climate
  • New foresight tool called the “climate map”
  • Simple database to support common goals for climate
  • Build an engaged citizen-science community
  • Educational website that is built by the public
  • Climate Change from the broad public viewpoint
  • Free and global project with the public on the internet.

TTC wants to become a non-profit organisation and apply for a Grant to roll out the project of Think Tank Climate. Once the Project (problem identification) is completed, TTC aims to shift its focus towards analyzing and generating creative solutions for climate change.

Stephanie Proost makes the Think Tank Climate project. We are not an organization yet and transition into one in januari. We will be a non-profit organization built by two citizens from Belgium.

* Alex Faickney Osborn, American author of books about creative problem solving in the 40’s. He was the first to frame the mechanism of our creative problem-solving process.

Team Members

Our Volunteers