Project Details

Projects of TTC
  1. Topics
  2. Questions
  3. Climate Card

After Project Questions

Project Demand


About Climate Card

We develop a new tool to monitor global climate change. This project has as it’s goal to reduce the full climate change to their very essence.
This card will provide an overview of all the topics and questions that have been answered. How this will look depends on the results of the topics and questions. Under no circumstances will these cards be presented as fact. They are merely a tool, nothing more. The climate card will be a flexible overview that can be altered when further research is made. temporary draft:

  1. TEMPERATURE-LINE Inside this line most findings and topics will be put.
    This main-line will give the most global view of where we are and going.
  2. STRATOSPHERE-LINE Support the main line and give a view about our ozone layer and UV.
  3. PEOPLE-LINE Support the main line and give a view about our pollution and relation to the planet.

Project Running Steps

  1. innovation
  2. feedback and improvement
  3. verify by scientist
  • innovation: We are creating a new tool to observe and keep track of climate change overall. This climate card will be designed by the public and scientists who are taking part, and it will be made by a professional.
  • feedback and improvement: Next, their will be an educational page about it put on this website. Feedback of citizens and scientists allow us to improve the pages and correct it’s content.
  • verify by scientist: We aim for all pages to get reviewed by scientists to remove mistakes. After we have the results of the peer-reviews we will say on the page that the content is safe to trust.

""If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

- Albert Einstein

Project Running Results

Every draft and result is put on this website. That way everyone can follow the project when they want. Right now their is research being done about the last topic: 8 billion people. Climate Card will be the final project about understanding global climate change. After this Think-Tank-Climate will focus on building projects for finding Solutions together.