Greenhouse gasses and their evolution


GWP:  Global Warming Potentials compare gases with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to assess how effectively the gas can contribute to warming the atmosphere over a 100-year period.
LIFESPAN: What is the duration of harmful effects of these gases in the atmosphere?

PPM parts per million: How many gas molecules are found within 1 million molecules?
PPB parts per billion: Not enough gas molecules found in 1 million.
PPT parts per trillion: Not enough gas molecules found in 1 billion

RATE: Increase or decline of the amount? Of the year 2022 compared to 2021 (NOAA)
OKAY: What amount is safe? When is the amount neglectable? This probably means comparing with 1850-1950?


Carbon Dioxide (Co2)
Cars, Fossil Fuels,

LIFESPAN 20- 200 years, Carbon cycle
PPM 419.56 ppm
RATE 2.07 ppm rise per year
OKAY 284.32 ppm (year 1850)

Methane (CH4) 
Gas found in nature
Farts, Biological decay
Fossil fuels

GWP 27.0–29.8
LIFESPAN 11.8 years
PPB 1922.20 ppb
RATE 14.77 rise per year

Nitrous Oxide (CH3CCl3) 
Laughing Gas, Fertilizer,
Nylon, and
Also found in nature

GWP 273
LIFESPAN 109 years
PPB 336.61 ppb
RATE 1.26 ppb rise per year

Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)
Sulfur With Fluorine
Electrical Transmission

GWP 23500
LIFESPAN 1000 years
PPT 11.32 ppt
RATE 0.37 ppt per year

Hydrofluorocarbons HCFC
replace CFC: refrigeration, AC,
insulation, fire extinguishing, aerosols

GWP 59- 1980
LIFESPAN 1.3 -12 years

Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs
hair spray, refrigeration
banned under Montreal Protocol
Not found in nature

GWP 4660 – 13900
LIFESPAN 45 – 1020 years 

Water Vapour

LIFESPAN: Water cycle

Source INDEX of GHG

Last opdate: 23/08/2023

Source used for GWP and lifespan: EPA, 2021, Climate Change Indicators: Greenhouse Gases,
EPA reference: IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2021. Climate change 2021: The physical science basis. Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University about ODS you find in chapter 7, pages 948 table 7.5 and 1017 table 7.15)

Source used for PPT, PPB, PPM, and Rate: NOAA, regularly updated, Global Monitoring Laboratory, You find the data used for this table by clicking on the gas you want. For Co2 click also on global, Recent Trends, or Growth Rate. 

For HCFC and CFC redirect to INDEX ODS 

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