war on water
With the warming of water there is less
drinkeble water to be found.
70% of earth is water
Water warms more slowly than land. The water on earth is warming up today. Once water warms up it will be easier to warm up faster then land and take more time to cool down.
One result of water warming is the lack of oxygen in the water. The other big problem is the change of pH levels in the waters. Salt goes way up in a few cold places in the ocean while at most places the pH levels go down making the water less salty, less carbon and more acidic. This process goes too fast for systems to adapt. In extreme events this water warming process makes the water turn smelly, sick and toxic due to overpopulation of bacteria and algae.
marine life in danger - ACIDIC WATER:
no drinking water - BLUE GREEN ALGAE:
no drinking water - WATER VAPOR:
global warming and
the ozone layer
Here you will not find pollution:
plastic, sewerage, chemicals, noise, water traffic, fishing, cruise ships, heavy metals, pesticides…
This pollution you will find at the topic 8 billion people.
4 CTP out of the water warming:

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) like ocean-snow are dead organisms that trap Co2 inside their corps. Often the decay of organic matter turns into methane. The warming of water will cause loss of ozone layer and rise in global temperature by it’s rising release of methane and carbon in the air.
The water cleans the air by water life that do photosynthesis. Like algae, plants, corals, microbes and planktons that turns Co2 into oxygen. The sky as we know it is thanks to our rivers, ocean and other waters on earth. On land we thank the sky due to all the green that do photosynthesis.
Drinking water can contain more harmful viruses and microbes if they have a warmer temperature. The dying of fish and plants will make the water dirty. The blue green algae can make the water toxin.
Policy makers have to protect the drinking water reservoirs and clean water. There has to be a ban on water-sources to be on the stockmarket. Water shouldn’t be allowed to be a smart investment. What’s next? Oxygen?
It’s great that so many scientists are trying to study, undo and minimize the consequences. Science is the only field that can guide us through these crazy times. Makes me think of the nurses during the Covid pandemic.