Ozone depleting substances


ODP:  Ozone-depleting potentials compare gases with CFC-11 to assess how effectively the gas can damage the ozone layer over a 100-year period.
GWP:  Global Warming Potentials compare gases with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to assess how effectively the gas can contribute to warming the atmosphere over a 100-year period.
LIFESPAN: What is the duration of harmful effects of these gases in the atmosphere?

PPM parts per million: How many gas molecules are found within 1 million molecules
PPB parts per billion: Not enough gas molecules found in 1 million
PPT parts per trillion: Not enough gas molecules found in 1 billion

RATE: Increase or decline of the amount? Compared with the previous 1 to 10 years?
OKAY: What amount is safe? When is the amount neglectable? 
Compared to the amounts found during 1980, it is chosen as the safe baseline by NOAA for ODS.

Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs
hair spray, refrigeration
banned under Montreal Protocol
Not found in nature

GWP 4660 – 13900
LIFESPAN 45 – 1020 years 

Trichlorofluoromethane CFC-11 (CCl3F)
foams, packing materials

ODP 0.82
GWP 4660
PPT 311
LIFESPAN 45 years

Dichlorodifluoromethane CFC-12 (CCl2F2) 
refrigerators, air conditioners,
aerosol sprays, and plastic 

ODP 0.82
GWP 10200
PPT 226
LIFESPAN 100 years

Chlorotrifluoromethane CFC-13 (CF3Cl)
refrigerant, glass, and hardening metals

GWP 13900
LIFESPAN 640 years

fire extinguishers

ODP 7.9  – 15.9
GWP 1470- 1750
PPT 168
LIFESPAN 16-65 years

Halon 1211 (CF2ClBr)
fire suppression

ODP 7.9
GWP 1750
LIFESPAN 16 years

Carbon tetrachloride CCl4
cleaning fluid, refrigerating equipment,
and as aerosol propellants

ODP 0.82
GWP 1730
PPT 170
LIFESPAN 26 years

Halon 1011 (CH2BrCl)
fire extinguishing agent

ODP 0.12
LIFESPAN 0.37 years

Hydrofluorocarbons HCFC
replace CFC: refrigeration, AC,
insulation, fire extinguishing, aerosols

ODP 0.01- 0.12
GWP 59- 1980
PPT 53
LIFESPAN 1.3 -12 years

Methyl Chloroform (CH3Cl3)
cleaning fluid

ODP 0.16
GWP 160
LIFESPAN 5 years

Methyl Bromide (CH3Br)
controlling pests in agriculture

ODP 0.66
PPT 237
LIFESPAN 0.8 years

Water Vapour


Source INDEX of ODS

Latest update: 20/08/23

ODP and lifespan: Source used: EPA.gov website, WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010

GWP: Source used: EPA.gov website, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2014 (AR5)

PPT parts per trillion: Not enough gas molecules found in 1 billion
For this, scientists use Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine (EESC). 
EESC:  This measurement estimates the potential impact of various gases on ozone depletion by calculating the amount of chlorine they could release into the stratosphere over time. Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) usually contain halogen molecules. When these substances are released into the sky, they break down into bromine and chlorine. Chlorine is a key focus because of our history of producing ODS like CFCs, which are the most potent ozone-depleting substances ever manufactured.
EESC, PPT, OKAY Source used: NOAA, Summer 2022, The NOAA Ozone Depleting Gas Index, https://gml.noaa.gov/odgi/;
See Table 2; All the numbers in this table are PPT. OKAY is 1980, read the third paragraph for information.

When comparing data from different evidence-based courses, it becomes evident that the numerical values do not align. We attribute these differences to varying locations and measurement techniques used. However, other factors may also contribute to these inconsistencies. For instance, it is unclear whether the same ppm of CFC-11 is used to calculate the ODP of an ozone-depleting gas. (CFC-11 is now 0.82 instead of 1)

A recent source discussing the ODS rate is as follows: World Meteorological Organization (WMO), “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022,” GAW Report No. 278, 509 pp., WMO, Geneva, 2022. Credits to WMO/UNEP for this information.

However, we cannot utilize this data to fill out the table. Upon reading the report, you might notice that the methods employed for each ODS differ significantly, making it challenging to consolidate them into a coherent table.

Help Us Find Data

We are looking to complete our data!

We're looking for details about ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in our atmosphere. We'd rather not divide the atmospheric layers into stratosphere and troposphere. Our goal is to create a complete overview of our entire atmosphere in a table. We aim to calculate the rate of the most significant ODS. Our main focus is on the quantity of molecules found, rather than examining radiation. This approach is chosen for clarity and simplification.


ODP of 100 years 

GWP of 100 years 



increase or decline of the amount?


When is the amount neglectable?

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