The goal of Think Tank Climate is to answer most general questions of the public about climate problems. We develop a new tool to monitor global climate change called Climate Map. The "Climate Map" project has as its goal to reduce the full climate change to its very essence.

This card will provide an overview of all the topics and questions that have been answered. How this will look depends on the results of the topics and questions. Under no circumstances will these cards be presented as fact. They are merely a tool, nothing more. The climate card will be a flexible overview that can be altered when further research is made. Temporary draft:

  • TEMPERATURE-LINE Inside this line most findings and topics will be put.
    This main-line will give the most global view of where we are and going.
  • STRATOSPHERE-LINE Support the main line and give a view about our ozone layer and UV.
  • PEOPLE-LINE Support the main line and give a view about our pollution and relation to the planet.

Climate Map Running Steps

The "Climate Map" project consists of the following steps:

We are creating a new tool to observe and keep track of climate change overall. This climate map will be designed by the public and scientists who are taking part, and it will be made by a professional.

Feedback and improvement

Next, we will create an informational page about it on this website. We value the feedback from both citizens and scientists, as it helps us improve the pages and correct any errors in the content.

We strive to have all pages reviewed by scientists to ensure accuracy and eliminate mistakes. Once we receive the results of the peer reviews, we will indicate on the page that the content is reliable and trustworthy.

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Albert Einstein

Projects Running Steps

To gain a comprehensive understanding of climate change, we have created a project that is divided into three projects. Each project builds upon the previous one. The first project is called "Topics" and does the necessary research. The second project "Questions" investigates the trends and results of the Topics project. The final project "Climate Map" simplifies the results of the previous projects inside a foresight tool that we will create. 

  1. Topics: Research
  2. Questions: Investigation
  3. Climate Map: Innovation


Citizen-science research project about Temperature, Stratosphere, Climate tipping points and the population of 8 billion people.


Citizen-science project that investigates global climate change by answering the questions where we are today, why and what this means for tomorrow.


Creating a new monitoring tool called Climate Map, developed by a citizen-science project, simplifies and focuses on the core aspects of climate change.

Related FAQ

If you don't find the answer to your question below, please reach out to us through the contact page. We are here to assist you and provide the information you need.

The project of the Climate Map can only start after the project of the Questions is successful. 

Currently, research is being conducted for the "Topics" project.  We are making the preparations to role out the projects gradually. 

Where can i find the results

We upload all the rough versions and outcomes of the projects on this website. This way, anyone can easily access and keep track of the project's progress whenever they want.

We welcome you to join our think-tank and contribute to the research efforts. You can participate by providing your valuable opinions in the comment section of each page. You can subscribe for the citizen-science projects if you wish to join us. If you prefer to contribute in a different way or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. We appreciate your interest and involvement!

Have any Questions?